Book doctoring and assessment of story, plot, and technique (science fiction and fantasy only)
Navigating the maze to publication
Many a writer dreams of publishing, but having completed your manuscript, an online search on what you should do next can present a myriad of advice — and a lot of confusion.
Editing seems the obvious first choice, but do you know what kind of editing you need? Do you have to hire an editor if you intend to submit to a publisher? What if your book has been edited, but you aren’t sure what to do next?
These questions, amongst others, are some I advise on, on a regular basis.
About Me
I am a reader, writer, and editor of science fiction and fantasy, and I have been editing for six years. I hold a BA (Hons) in English Literature, but have also studied courses run by the Editorial Freelancers Association.
The thought of going anywhere without a book, or a notepad and pen is intolerable. Any spare moments I have involve reading, writing or exploring potential story ideas.
My Process
My work process begins with an email inquiry and a discussion (via email) about your book and goals. Once this is complete I will provide a sample (if applicable) and a quote. Subject to your approval, a contract will be sent and work will begin in accordance with the agreed schedule.
Services I can provide:
- Developmental Editing
- Manuscript Critique
- Outline/Planning
- Mentoring
- Author Platform set-up
- WordPress Installation
- Self-publishing services
Routes to publishing.
Traditional publishing
Traditional publishing is the age-old process of getting a book deal, an advance, a contract, and remuneration via royalties. The book will be edited, receive professional interior and exterior design, and eventually go to market. There are no upfront costs for the author.
Vanity Publishing
Vanity publishing is the process of publishing a book for the personal enjoyment of friends, family, and colleagues – not for market (if you intend to publish your book to market, you are, in fact, a self-publisher). The author takes on the full cost of vanity publishing.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of vanity ‘publishers’ who claim to be traditional or hybrid publishers. They do no gatekeeping (assessment of marketability and standards) and will publish any and everything.
Hybrid (partnership) publishing
Hybrid (partnership) publishing involves the author and publisher sharing the costs of publication.
Co-operative Publishing
Co-operative publishing is a collective of like-minded authors who share a common interest and publish under the same imprint while maintaining print rights and royalties.
Online (web) publishing
Self-publishing is similar to vanity publishing in that the costs are the responsibility of the author, but unlike vanity publishing, the author intends to publish to market (to sell) and is therefore invested in high standards and marketability. A self-publishing author takes on (or hires out) all the roles performed by a traditional publisher (editing/cover design/marketing) and retains 100% of all profit from royalties.