by Michelle | Apr 18, 2018 | A to Z Blogging challenge, Blog
M is for Movement Today’s post is about movement, namely how a character might move through a scene (from one location to another), and how a scene might move to a new location within a chapter. It will also cover the montage technique, which is commonly used in...
by Michelle | Apr 16, 2018 | A to Z Blogging challenge, Blog
L is for Life experience (aka, how to tackle backstory) Every character – from those in the starring role(s) to the lowly alien with a brief appearance on page fifty-six of book three – has dreams and aspirations. As in real life, our life experience...
by Michelle | Apr 14, 2018 | A to Z Blogging challenge, Blog
K is for Knots, crinkles and plot holes I had to get a little creative choosing my subject for today, K is such a difficult letter to find a topic to write about, so I thought it would be a good idea to look at some of what I do as a developmental editor and offer...
by Michelle | Apr 13, 2018 | A to Z Blogging challenge, Blog
J is for Journals and notebooks Sometimes it is hard to find inspiration to write a story or know how to tackle a particular scene, which is where journals and notebooks come into play. Every writer should have (at least) one. It doesn’t need to be a paper...
by Michelle | Apr 13, 2018 | A to Z Blogging challenge, Blog
I is for Imagery I don’t know about you, but when I’m reading a book, I love to ‘see’ the world I’m being immersed into. My genres of choice are – surprise, surprise – science fiction or fantasy. Both of these genres require a...