I’ve been a little tied up since the start of the year with University coursework and assignments. The last module of my degree is certainly intense, we’re reading and studying a Shakespeare play every two weeks, with an assignment every four. Still, enough about that.
Plans for this month include editing a short story, a novella and a novel (possibly two). I’m also learning the ropes with regards to book promotion, twitter hash-tags and search engine optimisation while trying to help some author friends out with their promotion. Another thing I need to sit down and write a business plan in preparation for launching as an actual, legitimate business in June, instead of just ambling along as I am at the moment.
I’ve edited some great books so far, some are on the virtual shelves of Amazon already, some are still in the throes of the editing process.One of the books I’m scheduled to edit is already published, but in need of a little TLC in the grammar and composition department. I read a lot of self-published books, and more often than not they are littered with grammar and syntax errors. Obviously, I’m not your average reader. Studying literature has pretty much destroyed the reading for leisure part of my life. I can’t help but notice missing punctuation, repetitive words and phrases and the like. I have the same problem watching films actually. I studied screenwriting too, and I’m can’t help but study the way films and drama productions reveal exposition (and in most cases overdo it by stating the obvious).
Anyway, I’ve not posted for a while, but just thought I should fill everyone in on where I’m up to – just on the off chance anyone actually reads these posts.