by Michelle | Apr 7, 2018 | A to Z Blogging challenge, Blog
C is for Crafting your Story (dramatic arc) I briefly touched on the basics of storytelling yesterday and today’s post with expand on that and provide some links I hope you’ll find useful. Each story you write will follow a structure similar to the image pictured...
by Michelle | Dec 31, 2016 | Blog
2016 had been a good year for my editing business and personal writing, on top of which I’ve joined a wad of new groups and made even more writing and editing friends, some of whom I’ve helped launch editing businesses, or given short writing critiques....
by Michelle | Sep 13, 2016 | Achievements, Ink and Insights writing contest, Writing
Having succumbed to the latest strain of the common cold, courtesy of my youngest child, I took a couple of days off editing as my brain ceased to function well enough to read and edit. Instead, I took some time to read through the feedback I got from the Ink and...
by C.R.Michaels | Dec 1, 2015 | Uncategorised
Although I completed my NaNoWriMo challenge on day fourteen with 51,056 words, I found I couldn’t just stop writing, even though I had other things to be getting on with. So I didn’t stop. I kept writing, deciding that while I was in the mood it would be a...
by C.R.Michaels | Nov 14, 2015 | Uncategorised
I have just this moment completed the Nanowrimo challenge (2015). I had a slow start, a couple of days of virtually no writing, but for the last few days my fingers have been flying across the keyboard (think ‘woman on a mission’). I now have what I would...